Presidential Primary - Tuesday April 2nd 2024 -

Presidential Primary - Tuesday April 2nd 2024 -


With a proven track record of advocating for the rights of the people in the Bronx, Sepúlveda has consistently fought for affordable housing, quality education, and accessible healthcare.

His commitment to uplifting underserved communities and implementing policies that prioritize equity and justice sets him apart as a leader who truly represents the interests of his constituents.

Support Our Fight

Together, we can ensure that the Bronx continues to thrive and that the voices of its residents are heard at the highest levels of government. Your contributions are an investment in a brighter future for the Bronx, and I am truly grateful for your invaluable support.

What We’re Fighting For

Senator Sepúlveda’s initiatives center around addressing pressing community needs such as affordable housing, quality education, healthcare access, and economic development.

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